Author: admin

composite bonding 4 April 2019 cosmetic dentistry

Composite bonding: procedure, aftercare, pros and cons

Composite bonding is a type of cosmetic dentistry and a minimal invasive and least expensive option for making a beautiful ...
tooth whitening 21 March 2019 cosmetic dentistry

Tooth whitening

Tooth whitening is a procedure to remove stains, discoloration and generally lighten teeth. It is one of the most common ...
dental bridge 6 March 2019 cosmetic dentistry

Dental bridge

If you have missed one or more of your teeth and there is a gap between your teeth, dental bridge ...
veneers whitening 3 March 2019 cosmetic dentistry

Veneers whitening tips

Veneers are stainless resin materials which fit over the front teeth to provide the appearance and beautiful smile and protect ...
tooth extraction 11 November 2018 Articles

Orthodontic and tooth extraction

Do I need tooth extraction before getting my braces? Or Do I need tooth extraction for crowded teeth? Does tooth ...
type of braces 6 November 2018 Articles

Which type of braces is right for me?

Most peoples need to get braces while just a few lucky people born with the beautiful arranged teeth. Your orthodontist ...
dental veneers 3 November 2018 Articles

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin shells, custom made of tooth colored porcelain or composite resin that cover over tooth surface to ...
Dental laminate 28 October 2018 Articles

What is dental Laminate?

Dental laminate (Porcelain laminate which are known as Porcelain veneers) is a thin shell which is designed by tooth colored ...
مشکلات قابل حل با ارتودنسی - orthodontic problems 9 October 2018 Articles

What are common orthodontic problems that can be solved?

In the ideal condition, teeth of upper and lower jaw should be located in place and in a specific arrangement ...
Fixed appliance 8 October 2018 Articles

Fixed appliance

For most of the orthodontic patient, covering fixed appliance (generally called brace) is the most important part of the treatment. ...